Muhammad Asif
Sat Mar 12 2022
Hey ☘️, I'm Muhammad Asif
A passionate Full-Stack Developer with 3+ years of experience in building and maintaining web applications. I specialize in crafting user-friendly front-end experiences using React, Next, React-Native and love tackling complex challenges on the back-end with NodeJS. My passion lies in creating innovative solutions that make a positive impact and solve real-world problems.
All i learning selfstudy from youtube , Google , Stackoverflow
Fast-forward to today, and I have had the opportunity to work alongside proficient full-stack developers on the construction of real-world applications.
Development Experience ⏳
I'm a skilled web developer with experience in TypeScript and JavaScript, and expertise in frameworks like React, Node.js, and Next js. I'm a quick learner and collaborate closely with clients to create efficient, scalable, and user-friendly solutions that solve real-world problems. Let's work together to bring your ideas to life!
Website Development 🌏
I currently have over 3+ Years experience With html, css, Tailwind css Javascript, Redux, Redux Tookit, ReactQuery, TypeScript, NextJS 14, Payment Stripe.
Backend Development 🐳
Node js, Express js, TypeScript, MongoDB, Postger Sql, FireBase, FireStore, Graphql, Payment Stripe, Basic Skill with Prisma ORM and Web Scoket, Webhook, Jwt authentication, Docker, Niginx
Mobile Applications Development 📱
React Native CLI, React NAtive Expo + Next js, TypeScript, ReduxTookit, Tailwind
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